How Generous are the Rich?


Some excerpts from a Fraser report

The depth of generosity (the per cent age of aggregate income donated) was less in the Canadian provinces and territories than in all but four of the US states during the 2009 tax year.
A higher percentage of tax filers donated to charity in the United States (26.6%) than in Canada (23.0%) during the 2009 tax year. Similarly, Americans (at 1.32%) gave a higher percentage of their aggregate income to charity than did Canadians (at 0.64%).








Fairness Test: a modern day test of what is being done now.   And What is Fair?

SOTU Address:  fairness used extensively

Williams on Inequality: in professions

Critique of the Liberal View: answer to Krugman

Principles Involved:  free enterprise at risk

Moral Basis for Fairness: a statement of ethics