You can review the data used and see what innovative analyses you
can preform. Each workbook has several worksheets related to
income and wealth distribution.
The data used by Saez, Krugman and many others is recreated here.
To download, just click here.
These is the spreadsheet most often referenced, especially by the
redistribution advocates. It is based upon IRS data and with my
added graphs, there are some good additional conclusions one can draw.
The data from the Census Bureau collected into one workbook is
available here.
This is a spreadsheet I put together from a large number of tables
and spreadsheets separately reported by the Census Bureau. The
Gini coefficient and what-if cases are contained in one sheet of this
"There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair." John F. Kennedy